The American Economy

We have all watched the saga regarding the American economy. The failing banking system, the failing stock market, the failing housing and mortgage industry, the credit card industry, employment and it's affects on millions and millions of people. Major corporations have fallen, and even small businesses. Millions upon millions to include the next generation is paying the price as the nation continues to go into debt trying to bail it's self out. The word stimulous has become the injection that is suppose to save the economy.

It seems that the pride, greed, lust and mis management of America has gotten the best of us. Maybe a nation willing to repent and change it's ways, might be a nation that finds God's favor.

Taking On Cultist Methods

Beware of those whom would lead you into circles that are designed to create fellowships that are not of God. Beware of those whom would set the stage to place you in altered states of mind through repetitious design. Beware of those whom always have a vision that leads you into following that vision in times of extended meditations.

Be wise and stand in the word of God for it truly is a lamp unto your feet. It is never changing, holy, true and eternal.

Blessings, in the word of God