Expanding God's Kingdom

I love being a part of the body of Christ and seeing the Kingdom of God advancing. One of the areas that God has been focusing His people on is the Marketplace. There is a movement right now whereas men of God have been called to train Christian businessmen in the reality, calling and anointing of God to take ground within the marketplace. It's called Kingom Marketplace.

Considering that we spend a great percentage of our days, weeks and months throughout the year in the work force, whether as a employee or a business owner. There is no doubt that within this part of our lives, we are in the mission fields, and every hour is a hour where we can minister God through our lives in the simplest of ways.

The word of God states "you shall know them by thier fruits". We all know that God is a God of Trith, Righteousness, and Holiness. There is one word that can be applied by Christian's with regards to Kingdom Buisness's in the Marketplace, and that word is "Integrity". God honors those whom walk in "Integrity" when dealing with others. For the Lord God blesses those who walk "righteously before Him".

May the site be a blessing to you, as we look at those many ways.

Blessings, in Christ.
In His Glorious Name Ministries

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